25-05-2013 Gustav2013.05.24. 21:09, bridgi
17.05.2013 Georg2013.05.20. 20:40, bridgi
Georg: Now I remember why I hated this place... :)
Már emlékszem miért utáltam annyira ezt a helyet
Kérdezz Gustavról!2013.05.19. 22:04, bridgi
Megérkeztek a válaszok Gustavról is! :)
Here are the Gustav questions we picked from all your awesome submissions:
~ A l i e n ♥: What's the best and the worst thing about Gustav? :)
Georg: The worst is probably that he can get very bitchy as soon as you try to to criticize him. He can't handle that!
Tom: So nice of you Georg to start with the worst ;-) I can only tell positive things! The best about Gustav is that he never says anything in band meetings. Not a word! Love that! Haha!!
Savannah Strömberg: What happens if Gustav gets really angry?
Bill: He gets aggressive!
Georg: Oh yes, I can remember when Bill and Gustav got into a physical fight during our first album production!
Tom: Yeah, so much fun! That was serious!
Bill: But it takes some time to make him aggressive. Not everybody can do that.
Georg: In general, he's not an angry person!
Abigail Kaschali: What does Gustav do when alone?
Tom: I don't know. Probably spending a lot of time with little Gustav! I don't even wanna think about that!
Georg: I hope he's praying! Praying that he's getting better with his drums...
Bill: Well, all of you should pray then!
Tom: Yeah Georg! Pray to the Bass-Lord!
Jessy Baemz: What did you miss the most while you had the 'creative break'?
Georg: I don't know... just hanging with the boys in a tour bus...being stupid! Travel! Everything...
Bill: Yes. We had a great time in the studio... the break was important for us as a band and each of us as individual artists. But now we're slowly getting ready to put that aside and get back on the road.
10-05-2013 Gus2013.05.10. 20:55, bridgi
14-04-2013 Georg2013.05.09. 20:08, bridgi
25-04-2013 Gugu2013.05.09. 20:04, bridgi
28-04-2013 GG & Bill2013.05.09. 20:01, bridgi
03-05-2013 Tom és Gustav2013.05.09. 19:52, bridgi
09-05-2013 Családi Portré2013.05.09. 19:43, bridgi
Gustav & Bill 08.05.20132013.05.09. 06:16, bridgi
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After all these years... Bill is STILL invincible! So frustrating Georg
Kérdezz Georgról2013.05.07. 07:30, bridgi
Here we go! Our answers to your questions about Georg. Enjoy ;-)
Elcin Alienness: Is he the "maturest" member of the band?
Gustav: He's definitely the oldest but the youngest in his mind! Ha!
Tom: True! He's still in his second anal phase which means his mind is the one of a 2-3 year old! Haha!
Bill: No, Georg is the most prudent guy of the band. A scrimper... sometimes like a really stuffy old man.
Tom: We all love him!
Michelle Chamaya Sánchez: Is he good at keeping secrets?
Gustav: Yes he is.
Bill: I think we all are. At least when it comes to band secrets! None of us would ever tell any secrets about the other guys to someone else.
Tom: We wouldn't be a band for so long if it hadn’t been be like that. We trust each other 100%. We're like 4 brothers!
Nashwa Khan: What’s Georg's biggest fear?
Tom: I don't know what his biggest fear is now but I know what it was some years ago.
Gustav: "Lass uns hier raus"!
Tom: Yes! When we played this song LIVE he always had a short solo part at the beginning of the second vers and he ALWAYS messed it up!
Bill: Even though we don't play this song anymore... I think it's still his biggest fear! Haha!
Elcin Alienness: Ő a "legérettebb" a bandában?
Gustav: Tény, hogy ő a legidősebb, de agyilag a legfiatalabb! Ha!
Tom: Igaz! (Hivatalosan írva B. ) Ő még mindig az életének a második szakaszában van, agyilag egy 2-3 éves szintjén. Haha!
Bill: Nem, Georg a legóvatosabb az egész bandában. Fukar... néha olyan, mint egy földhözragadt vénember.
Tom: De mi imádjuk őt!
Michelle Chamaya Sánchez: Jól tud titkot tartani?
Gustav: Igen.
Bill: Szerintem mindannyian. Pláne, ha bandával kapcsolatos titkokról van szó! Egyikünk sem árulná el a másik titkát egy másik személynek.
Tom: Nem lennénk ilyen hosszú ideje egy zenekar, ha nem lennénk jók ebben. 100%-ban megbízunk egymásban. Mint 4 testvér.!
Nashwa Khan: Mi Georg legnagyobb félelme?
Tom: Hogy most mi a legnagyobb félelme azt nem tudom, de azt viszont igen, hogy néhány éve mi volt az.
Gustav: "Lass uns hier raus"!
Tom: Igen! MIkor ÉLŐBEN játszottuk ezt a dalt, a második vers kezdeténél volt neki egy szóló része, és Ő MINDIG elrontotta!
Bill: Habár ma már nem játszuk ezt a dalt... Úgy gondolom ez az ő legnagyobb félelme! Haha!
fordította: B.
03.05.2013 Tom és Gusti :D2013.05.03. 19:33, bridgi
Source / Forrás
Prison of glass: Gustav is just way too loud! I had to put him in a box… Tom
Ask about Georg!2013.05.01. 16:30, bridgi
Újabb felhívás kérdés ügyben, ezúttal Georgról!!
" Ask anything about Georg in the comments and the rest of us will answer. I'm really looking forward to this… Tom "
Akinek van kérdése, az a hivatalos FB oldalon megírhatja :-)
30.04.20132013.04.30. 18:27, bridgi
Great way to start the week off, working out with my little buddy! Georg
Source / Forrás
25.04.2013 Gustav2013.04.25. 21:08, bridgi
21.04.2013 Új studió kép Billről és Georgról2013.04.21. 20:24, bridgi
Azt hiszem, ma is meghaltam kicsit.... nagyon.
Bill kutyusa