Hey There! It's GEorg calling. I'd like to say thanks for all the lovely happy birthday wishes you send me on Facebook and so on. It really made me feel great. Thanks and goodbye.
Végre a mi kis Georgunk küldött nekünk egy kis üzenetet :)
Bill: Hey you, it's Tokio Hotel and we're answering another fan question and it's from Caroline from Argentina and she wants to know: Do you like to cook?
For me like I have to say I don't like to cook at all. Like I just hate it so much. When I'm hungry like I wanna eat right away and if I have to wait and I have to cook something like I'm not hungry anymore.
Tom: ...like you smell it...
Bill: Yeah you smell it and it takes forever. It just takes too long so I always... Yeah we always eat somewhere else.
Tom: Yeah!
Bill: We always go out, we are always in restaurants and someone else is cooking. So I never cook. Usually I never cook. Yeah Georg and you?
Georg: I love cooking as I said but I'm not really good at it unfortunately... Yeah
Bill: Gustav?
Gustav: For me it's just cooking meat. Meat with meat salad and meat with everything...
Tom: Nobody wants to know that! Bacon with bacon...
Gustav: Bacon with bacon and bacon on top.
Georg: ...all the bacon.
Bill: Alright! Thank you very much and we hear you soon.
Who was George? It may surprise those who are not fans of Tokio Hotel, but the band is not just about Tom and Bill Kaulitz. Gustav, the drummer and bassist Georg are still there, but their lifes are a bit more reserved in their beautiful hometown of Magdeburg. There are no application, they're not in Los Angeles and they don't participate in a rock concert in GNTM. They both do really well, definitely one of them. The two have been thoughtfully careful, but this is probably just a bit of winter, at least the tour has gone. Less stress, less action stage, fewer calories, but someone in promipranger.de sometimes imagines too much.
Actually is still there "Tokio Hotel"? A more provocative question to which some have wanted to answer "no" or at least "do not know ..." heard the kids at the time speculating about the failure and collapse. But Georg answered to BILD quite confidently: "Of course there's Tokio Hotel" and "it will be released soon upon us" But the legitimate demand. WHEN? Unfortunately, he did not give an exact answer: "I can say nothing yet. But in any case, very soon!" Hmm, now you can play all positive or negative, and then examine the lines you want to read. Hopefully, one should be afraid, the other option ... is that the message just does not matter and that it is relatively neutral for promipranger.de. No jumping for joy, but it's really great to find something new to read about Georg, even though the lines reveal nothing really new.
Visító tinédzserek, eladott lemezek milliói, egy rocksztárélet - ez VOLT a Tokio Hotel, Németország legsikeresebb bandája.
Az ikrek, Bill és Tom L.A.-be költöztek, nyugalmat akarnak. A múlt héten azonban Bill teljesen váratlanul feltűnt Heidi Klum „Germany‘s Next Topmodel“-jében.
A BILD megtalálta a dobost, Gustavot és a gitárost, Georgot Magdeburgban!
Egy sivár lakótelep a város délnyugati részén. Gustav sétára indul. Meghízott, tornacipőt visel és kényelmes Cargo-nadrágot. Az otthona: Egy világossárga apartmanház. Szemben: Egy olcsó szupermarket. A milliók még megvannak, de a rocksztár életre csak kevés dolog emlékeztet: egy drága Mercedes-Van (sötétített üveggel), a különleges kiszolgálás a törzs-diszkójában, a "Prinzzclub"-ban.
Kollégája, Georg a központban lakik. Egy zsákutcában. Szívesen sétálgat Gassi kutyájával, aki után rendes fiúként szedi fel a kutyapiszkot.