TH VIP Call 20.04.2012
2012.04.21. 20:21, Bridgi
Bill: Hey you, it's Tokio Hotel and we're answering another fan question and it's from Caroline from Argentina and she wants to know: Do you like to cook?
For me like I have to say I don't like to cook at all. Like I just hate it so much. When I'm hungry like I wanna eat right away and if I have to wait and I have to cook something like I'm not hungry anymore.
Tom: you smell it...
Bill: Yeah you smell it and it takes forever. It just takes too long so I always... Yeah we always eat somewhere else.
Tom: Yeah!
Bill: We always go out, we are always in restaurants and someone else is cooking. So I never cook. Usually I never cook. Yeah Georg and you?
Georg: I love cooking as I said but I'm not really good at it unfortunately... Yeah
Bill: Gustav?
Gustav: For me it's just cooking meat. Meat with meat salad and meat with everything...
Tom: Nobody wants to know that! Bacon with bacon...
Gustav: Bacon with bacon and bacon on top.
Georg: ...all the bacon.
Bill: Alright! Thank you very much and we hear you soon.